Welcome to the Gourmet Glutton!

Welcome to my blog. This isn’t your usual recipe blog. Here at The Gourmet Glutton, we talk about anything and everything about food, from the classics to the latest trends, from biryani to croquembouche. So join in, and Bon Apetit!

Mash, Famine, Colonization

The Potato Chronicles: Part 2 Last time, we explored the history of the potato upto the mid-18th century, interspersed with a few simple dishes that use the potato skin and boiled potatoes. There are two things you can do with boiled, peeled potatoes: you could cut them up into little pieces, or pulverise it into…

Origins, Peels, Salads

The Potato Chronicles: Part 1 The Gourmet Glutton is back….well, kinda. Although I will try to post on a regular frequency, I will limit it to the first Sunday of every month, in addition to the occasional off-schedule article here and there. The idea is to maintain a certain consistency, albeit spaced out. The agenda?…

A Very Mangalorean Christmas (Part 2)

Yesterday, we began our Christmas Odyssey in Mangalore, exploring some of the special dishes of the cuisine in general. We talked about the array of porcine delicacies, and chicken dishes like the kori gassi. Another simple and delicious chicken preparation is the sukka, although it can be made with any protein. The USP of a…

A Very Mangalorean Christmas (Part 1)

Bangalore is a melting pot of cultures and communities, with enthusiastic celebration of everything from Durga Puja and Eid to Onam and Christmas. Having explored aspects of Christmas in my previous years, with the Calcutta Christmas Cake and the Western-style Christmas dinner, this time, I decided to focus on the Christmas food of the Mangalorean…

Of Hiatuses and Mediocrity

Rant, Reminiscence, Rumination In the era of mindless content consumption, when people idly scroll their way through a labyrinth of subpar but annoyingly regular content, you often come across a gem or two, which make you stop and ponder. You marvel at how great it is, and stop to wonder why none of the stuff…

Celebratory Rice

It’s that time of the year again, when the entire city awakens from its “lyad” to enthusiastically celebrate the homecoming of Goddess Durga. And of course, good food is a crucial component of the agenda. Every year since 2019, I’ve posted a series of special articles during Pujo, ranging from solo write-ups to collabs to…

Quizzing: A Reminiscence

It was more than a decade ago now, in 2012, that I, a timid 19-year old, walked cautiously into the majestic General Lecture Theatre of Medical College Kolkata. It was new, enthralling, and just a little intimidating. A typical college batch has the whole spectrum, ranging from the loud, popular extroverts who fit in seamlessly…

Dark Liaisons: Coffee and Hazelnut

So far in our chocolate series, we’ve looked at the fruity heat of chilli and the piney fragrance of cardamom. This time, we will explore two more flavour pairs, the first of which shares a lot of similarities with chocolate and chocolate making. Compared to chocolate making, coffee making has fewer steps, and two of…

Dark Liaisons : Cardamom

Last time, we commenced our series by exploring the 7 Liaisons of Chocolate with a bit of historical background, and the chilli-chocolate combination. This week, let’s move on to combination number two. “Like a puppeteer’s black velvet curtain, dark chocolate is the perfect smooth background for cardamom to show off its colors. Use the cardamom…

Dark Liaisons : Chilli

Chocolate is a universal favourite, from 5 year olds pointing at the huge bar of Dairy Milk at the store to the pseudo-intellectual “foodie” picking up notes of coffee, tobacco and 23-year old leather from a ridiculously expensive bar of 99 percent dark chocolate. There is a lot to be said about chocolate. I’ve decided…